Polybius 2

Polybius 2

I was in a flea market, searching old games and i founded a pretty interesting one. I founded a NES cart, what simply titled Polybius 2 and in down there was a text with caps said:SINNESLÖCHSEN (1987). I remembered a urban legend ''Polybius'' but i thought this will improved version. I buyed it and bringed it home. I started playing and i got samekind of screen than Polybius but it haved number 2 on it. There was Options button too but it didnt work.
I pressed start and i noticed the game was sidescroller It had choppy movement. I heard somekind of weird sounds, i didnt know was they sound effects or music.  I didnt see any enemies and i just walked for like five minutes and i noticed the track ended. I was not able to go further. Then i heard clear voice said ''Color changing has switched on.
Then in every 10 seconds floor and background changed and so on. I had to remove game when it changed too often because it started to hurt my head. When i removed it, the TV was on and i tryed to take off all wires to tv possible but it still was on. Then i broked my TV with hammer and it finally ended. Week later 3 dudes with black suit wanted to get in. I opened the door and they taked the game and 2 dudes left but one stayed. He removed hat and he was EVIL PATRIXXX...